{ Tech101: Who is Json? }

While Voorhees, Statham, and Derulo all have their talents, both good and evil, I would propose that the best Json goes to the machine-readable file format. Json, or rather JSON, is an important acronym in the tech world. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is frequently used by...

Data Professionals: The Arbiters of Truth

Coming out of college with a background in mathematics, I fell upward into the rapidly growing field of data analytics. It wasn’t until years later that I realized the incredible power that comes with the position. As Uncle Ben told Peter Parker (aka Spiderman), “With great power, comes great...

How much will the market help you retire?

By Jeff Lundy I know a couple friends who model their retirement outcomes. Recently, I asked them what growth rate they assumed for investments. Interestingly, we all used a similar rate: 4%. That seems appropriately conservative, and by setting it low you bake in all kinds of uncertainties (taxes...

The Future of Data Scientists

In the fall of 2012, I remember my mother telling me about an article that said data scientists are the new, sexy profession. The moment stuck with me because nobody wants to hear their parents utter the word, “sexy”. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this Harvard Business Review...

The Emergence of Data Generalists

Merriam-Webster defines a generalist as one whose skills, interests, or habits are varied or unspecialized. Having varied and unspecialized skills seems like an undesirable trait for job applicants. Recruiters are expected to find candidates with specific skill sets based on a defined job description. Meanwhile, candidates are expected to...

Digital Transformation: When to Talk and When to Listen

As we approach the one year anniversary on my current digitization project at work, I look back to see what can be learned from the experience. Project SWIFT was aimed at providing information about our global manufacturing plants to the product developers earlier in the development process. The output...

Digital Transformation: Conjuring Data from Nothing

Date: September, 2017 “Who gave you this information?” Joe, the employee With a hint of fear and confusion in the tone of his voice, my colleague, Joe, came up to me and asked, “Who gave you this information?”. The information that Joe collects is difficult to obtain, relies heavily...

Georgia Tech’s MS Analytics Program: My Review

In late 2017, I started looking at different online masters programs with a heavy focus on quantitative skills. This included statistics, data science, analytics, economics, and various MBA programs. Unfortunately, many of the top programs, such as Carnegie Mellon’s Business Analytics or Berkeley’s Data Science program, had crazy price...

IRA, 401K, IDK: The Decision Process

If you are new to investing, the number of retirement account options that you can deposit money into can be overwhelming. You see articles about brokerage accounts, 401Ks, and IRAs. Meanwhile, your friend keeps talking about how much money he made on Nikola, the next Tesla. Anyone can get...

My Journey from Amateur to Competent Investor

The Beginning In the fall of 2008, I had my first real exposure to a formal business education. I was enrolled in an accounting course during my senior year of high school. I was interested in accounting because of my natural affinity with numbers and the constant advice from...